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Unlocking the Benefits of the Backbend Pose for Libras

Updated: Jan 7

Pink Hearts and Standing Backbend

Hello, Lovers. And by lovers, of course I'm talking to the loveliest zodiac sign on the astrological wheel, the Libra. Welcome back to Yoga Zodiac, your number one space for astro yoga and discovering which yoga postures are best for your zodiac sun sign. In this post, we are focusing intensely on the benefits of heart openers and how they especially heal the emotions of the eternal lover, Libra. If you're not a libra sign, but want to know which yoga postures are best for your zodiac sign, then click here.

First, let's talk about what constitutes a heart opener and what their benefits are. "Heart opener" is another way of saying backbend, and it is used as a term to describe the stretch of intercostal muscles within the anterior rib cage, and the stretch of the pericardium, which is the protective fluid sac that surrounds the heart. Some of the yoga poses that are categorized as heart openers are wheel pose, bridge pose, and the pose we're focusing on here: Standing Backbend Pose (Anuvittasana).

Yoga Standing backbend in desert
Standing Backbend Pose

Standing backbend pose is an excellent posture for beginners' yoga, or any level really. This posture introduces our body to the feeling of lifting the chest while planting the shoulder blades onto the back. It also teaches the duality of lengthening and strengthening the spine in conjunction with crown of the head. Emotionally, this pose is a safe slide into introducing vulnerability into our practice. It takes a lot of trust to expose the heart, especially when the eye gaze is out of frame from the rest of the body. This helps to rebuild faith and hope in a broken heart.

Backbends are also known for being the "background removers" as they allow us to clear out toxic energies that accumulate in the back of our bodies, reminding us that we are three dimensional beings and that the back body needs to be strengthened and stretched to clear out the muck in the background of our emotional and physical lives.

So, let's get into why the Libra should be practicing back bending yoga poses. The Libra sign has a very unique relationship with love. Libras are inherently relationship-oriented individuals. They thrive in partnerships and enjoy the companionship and emotional connection that comes with being in a loving relationship.

Pink Heart Break with Hammer

They enjoy the process of courtship and often go above and beyond to express their love and affection for their partners. Libra people have a strong emotional connection with their partners and invest a significant amount of themselves into their relationships. This emotional sensitivity makes them more susceptible to the pain of heartbreak, as they feel the loss and disappointment intensely. They often have high expectations for love and strive for perfect partnerships. When a relationship ends or doesn't meet their ideals, it can be especially difficult for them to accept and process the heartbreak. Libras need a self-care routine they can depend on when are forced to detach from the pain of heartbreak.

Science has said for a long time that as humans, we take heavy emotions from traumas into our body. When pain from heartbreak occurs, this literally can tighten the muscle tissue and fascia surrounding the heart space. Not only does this prevent necessary flow of blood and nutrients, but this can prevent us from moving on from relationships and growing as individuals. Living in the past, or forcing a love that is no longer functional, is a recipe for depression. Libras, if you find your love life ruling your thoughts and/or causing you emotional pain, take this pose to redirect your loving energy onto yourself. Reclaim your inner power of love and shine your heart space wide in this simple yoga posture.

To come into Standing Backbend Pose:

  1. Begin by standing in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) at the top of your mat. Bring your feet together, heels slightly apart, and distribute your weight evenly across both feet.

  2. Relax your shoulders and lengthen your spine, engaging your core muscles to maintain stability.

  3. Take a deep inhale, and life your arms over head interlacing the finger. (you can also leave your hands onto your low back if you have shoulder pain or limited mobility). As you exhale, shift your weight onto your heels and lift your toes, keeping your feet grounded.

  4. As you inhale, start to tilt your pelvis forward, allowing your hips to move slightly forward and up. This will create a gentle arch in your lower back.

  5. Keep your thighs engaged and your knees soft. Avoid hyperextending the knees or compressing the lower back.

  6. As you continue to inhale, lift your chest and heart towards the sky, extending through the upper back and lifting your sternum upward. Allow your head to gently drop back if it feels comfortable for your neck. Keep your neck relaxed and avoid straining or looking too far back.

  7. Hold the pose for a few breaths, feeling the opening in your chest and the stretch in your spine. Maintain a steady and relaxed breath throughout the pose.

  8. To come out of the pose, exhale and gradually release your hands from your lower back. Slowly bring your torso back to an upright position, keeping your head and neck aligned with your spine.

  9. Take a moment to stand in Tadasana and observe the effects of the backbend on your body and breath.

** This pose is not recommended if you have vertigo or low blood pressure. You can take this yoga pose in a chair.

This pose is great for reinviting love, optimism, and faith. Libra people, if you lose these qualities about yourself then you lose the very identity that make up your unique celestial selves. You are born to shine, love and support so use this posture to "reup" on these divine themes when you feel burnt out.

That sums up this take on which yoga posture is going to help the Libra zodiac sign the best. Do you know a Libra that could use this advice? Send them this link here: to sign up for our newsletter and learn more about this information! Everyone is unique and gifted in their own way, and by uniting the ancient methods of yoga and astrology you can truly have better insight on yourself and your abilities. Also, don't forget we have an eBook created just for you at that dives way deeper into this topic: In this eBook each zodiac sign is given 5 yoga postures, 2 meditations, and one recommendation of a style of yoga best for them. Make sure to check it out!

Thanks again for stopping by, I hope peace finds you and contentment hugs you at night. Shanti, shanti, shanti. Peace, Peace, Peace.

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