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Unlocking the Mystical Power of Mermaid Pose for Your Inner Pisces Energy

Updated: Jan 7

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Mermaid Pose

Ahoy maetees! And welcome back to another article blog post about which yoga postures are best for your unique zodiac sun sign. If this is your first time here, WECLOME! Take a moment to check out our homepage here to find what Yoga Zodiac is all about. While you're there take a moment to sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date on all our latest content we post, all dedicated to the ancient systems of yoga and astrology. Combining these two subjects is a great way to get to know yourself better, and highlight your astrological gifts assigned to your unique sign.

Today's article is focusing on the beautiful mermaid pose, dedicated to the water sign Pisces, and in a moment you will understand why. But first, what is Mermaid Pose?

Mermaid Pose, also known as Eka Pada Rajakapotasana II, is an advanced yoga pose that combines elements of hip opening, backbending, and balance. It is a variation of Pigeon Pose (Rajakapotasana) that involves a deep backbend and a bind with one leg extended behind you. It is common to use a strap around the back leg while learning this yoga pose. Mermaid Pose is considered an advanced yoga pose. It requires a high level of flexibility in the hips, shoulders, and back, as well as strength in the core and legs. It may take time to build up the necessary flexibility and strength to perform this pose safely and comfortably. It's essential to approach it gradually and with proper warm-up and preparation.

Mermaid Pose offers several benefits, some including:

muscles, legs, quads, quadriceps, knees
Quadriceps Muscles in Legs
  • It provides a deep stretch to the hip flexors, quadriceps, and the muscles around the hip joint, which can be especially beneficial for people with tight hips.

  • This pose is an intense backbend, which can help improve spinal flexibility and posture.

  • Maintaining balance in this pose requires engagement of the core and back muscles, helping to strengthen and tone these areas.

  • Hip-opening poses like Mermaid can be emotionally releasing, as many people store tension and emotions in the hips. Practicing this pose mindfully can help release emotional baggage.

The yoga mermaid pose is ostensibly aqua themed, which is why it's dedicated to the last water sign on the zodiac wheel, Pisces. Mermaids have historically been celebrated around the world as half beautiful women and half fish. Chinese folklore used to depict the mermaid as capable, beautiful, and able to turn tears into pearls. They were seen as gentle, mild, and a blessing of the sea. Pisces people are known for being similar to mermaids in that they are dreamy, glamorous, and otherworldly. Pisces people resist definition and always walk the line between reality and dreams. They are very similar to the legendary beauties and can personify that glam when they practice this pose. Pisces will have a good time playing imagination hour emulating this mythical creature, as Pisces are known for being extraordinarily creative, imaginative, and dramatic. Mermaids are beautiful, fun, and flirtatious. Pisces can run a whole magical aqua scene in their head in the time they hold this pose.

Mermaid pose is also great for opening the sacral energetic chakra, which is a highly prioritized chakra for the Pisces. The second energy center is called Svadhistana chakra and is the seat of creativity and building relationships with people. Keeping this chakra open will highlight the Pisces’ ability to relate with others and nurture them energetically. They will love the effects of spacious and illumination this yoga pose brings, and when Pisces are happy, everyone gets to be happy.

To Get into Mermaid Yoga Pose:

  1. Begin in a Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) position. This involves being on your hands and feet, with your hips lifted toward the ceiling and your body forming an inverted "V" shape.

  2. From Downward-Facing Dog, bring your right knee forward and place it behind your right wrist. Your right ankle should be closer to your left wrist. Your right shin should be at a diagonal angle, and your right foot may be flexed or pointed, depending on your comfort and flexibility.

  3. As you settle into Pigeon Pose, make an effort to square your hips as much as possible. Your left hip should point forward, and your right hip should point back.

  4. Slide your left leg straight back behind you. The top of your left foot should rest on the mat.

  5. Ensure that your front knee is in line with your right wrist, and your right ankle is in line with your left wrist. You should have a slight external rotation in your front hip and a slight internal rotation in your back hip. Depending on your flexibility and comfort, you can keep your hands on the mat in front of you for support, or you can start to walk your hands back toward your hips.

  6. Begin to reach your right arm behind your back and your left arm behind your head. Your goal is to clasp your hands together or use a strap if your hands cannot touch.

  7. Inhale as you lift your chest and arch your upper back. Keep your gaze forward or slightly upward.

  8. As you feel stable and comfortable, start to lift your left leg off the mat, bending your left knee. Reach back with your right hand to grasp your left ankle or foot.

  9. Engage your core and maintain your balance in Mermaid Pose. You'll be balancing on your right knee and the top of your left foot. Stay in the pose for 15-30 seconds or as long as is comfortable, breathing deeply and maintaining your focus.

  10. To exit the pose, gently release your left foot and bring it back to the mat. Carefully come out of Pigeon Pose by moving through Downward-Facing Dog or other transitional poses.

***It is contraindicated to do this pose if you have pain in your ankle, knee, shoulder, or low back.

As Pisces uses this pose to reconnect to their water roots, it's encouraged for them let emotions pass through, and find security in their ability to balance in this yoga pose. Pisces, breathe and turn in as the waves of inner peace churn your inner ocean.

If you want to know which yoga postures are best for your unique zodiac sun sign, sign up for our newsletter here or click here to see our full library. Also, don't forget you can have the knowledge of all 12 zodiac signs by purchasing our ebook here. Each zodiac placement is assigned 5 yoga postures, 2 meditations, and 1 style of yoga that suited best. Check it out and discover how yoga zodiac can enhance your yoga and self care journey.

Thanks so much for visiting and I hope this information serves you. Please make sure to share this information with everyone you know! Help them be the best signs they can by learning and applying the mystifying powers of astroyoga. Plus follow me on tiktok to join the community!

Many blessings. May peace be upon your journey.

flower, ray of light, lotus, self healing

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