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Relax and Recharge with Chair Yoga Pose for Taurus Signs

Updated: Jan 7

You know, sometimes we all need a little clarity about who we are and how we can utilize our God given talents. If that's you, then I'm so glad you've come to Yoga Zodiac, the number one astro yoga blog that dives deep into which yoga postures are going to highlight the strengths of your zodiac sun sign. By practicing the specific yoga poses that are more compatible with your zodiac sign you can achieve greater wins in life's opportunities, and lessen the blows of life's hardships. Use this information as a cosmic guide to lead to a happy, purposeful life. Want to know more? Click here for our full library of content.

In today's post we're going to talk about a yoga posture that you really just love to hate, chair pose, also known as Utkatasana.

I can remember in my earlier days of learning yoga my teacher would insert anywhere where from 5 to 10 chair poses throughout the sequence. I hated it so much! I would mentally chant every cuss word and offensive attack in my head just to give some relief from this arduous posture. I mean really, who would think that a simple bend to the knees plus taking arms over head would be so painful to hold? Well, I didn't until I did, and from there I've only gotten stronger. There was one particular day when the pain just suddenly started to become pleasure. The struggle to hold the pose stopped being a struggle, and I actually started to like chair pose. I never in a million years thought I would actually like chair pose, but here we are years later and I can say this pose has turned into one of my favorites, most used yoga postures that have helped my knees, my feet, and my low back.

Chair pose is a yoga posture that heats up the body, and is often used during Sun Salutations B.

To Come into Yoga Chair Pose:

  1. Begin in a standing position, with your feet hip-width apart. Ensure that your weight is evenly distributed between both feet.

  2. Begin in Mountain Pose. Stand tall with your spine straight, shoulders relaxed, and your arms resting by your sides.

  3. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, engage your core muscles.

  4. On your next inhale, raise your arms overhead, keeping them parallel to each other and your palms facing each other.

  5. Exhale as you bend your knees and lower your hips, as if you are sitting back into an imaginary chair. Keep your knees in line with your ankles and try to keep your thighs parallel to the ground. Ensure that your weight is evenly distributed between both feet, and your heels are rooted into the ground. Your knees should be pointing forward and not splayed to the sides. Try to keep your spine straight and your chest lifted. Engage your core muscles to protect your lower back and maintain balance.

  6. Your arms should be extended overhead with your biceps close to your ears. Palms can be together in a prayer position (Anjali Mudra) or kept parallel to each other. Your gaze can be straight ahead or slightly upwards.

  7. Hold the Chair Pose for several breaths, ideally 30 seconds to a minute, or as long as you're comfortable. Keep your breathing smooth and controlled.

  8. To exit the pose, inhale as you straighten your legs and return to a standing position. Lower your arms as you do so.

**It's important to not go very deep in the knee bend if you have knee pain, also do not take the arms over head of you have shoulder pain.

Check out this in-depth video here to learn about the correct way to do chair pose and the incorrect way to do chair pose:

The Taurus sign will especially benefit from chair pose for several reasons. One, this is a heated, fixed pose and another name for it is “Fierce Pose.” Taurus signs tend to be fierce and or stubborn when confronted with their beliefs. Sometimes they are so stuck in their ways, its as if they’re saying without actually saying, “I’m taking a seat because my opinions and attitude aren’t going anywhere!” When the Taurus does chair pose they are strengthening their steadfast side. Now this can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the situation. A lot of times Taurus is right, but this does not necessarily earn them popularity points because they can come off as arrogant or pushy. Taurus knows their superpower is their immoveable stance on topics, which makes them strong, sturdy, and tenacious when it comes to intense topics. Taurus people are assigned chair pose to solidify for them their stance on positions, and to help clarify for them whether it's better to stay with their beliefs or if the situation calls for moveability (meaning they are too stuck in the comfort of their seats). Chair pose helps the Taurus sign develop discernment while helping them maintain their sturdy nature.

Chair yoga pose is also designed for the Taurus because the posture should remind the Taurus to stop and rest occasionally. Taurus can be so bull-headed; they steer themselves into exhaustion without even realizing it. Chair Pose was named after the first invented chairs used in modern society. Originally only upper-class citizens, such as kings, were allowed to sit in chairs and rest. Taurus people are all about labors of love. This pose is assigned to the Taurus as they already see themselves as the high-class worth taking a seat. They are known for working hard and will not stop until they have accomplished what they set out to accomplish. This is a strong positive quality that produces much success, however sometimes Taurus does not know when to rest and can end up completely burnout. Taurus signs, this is your call to action to take a seat and rest. The task can be picked up tomorrow.

Taurus people are beautifully bold, and this pose will encourage the elegant strength they exuded by contributing to their steadfastness and regal nature. Do you know a Taurus and needs to know how refine their natural bold self? Make sure they know to practice chair pose, also share this blog post with them. When they (or you) are ready to learn about all the various yoga poses best for each unique zodiac sign, check out our ebook here and sign up for our newsletter here to stay up to date on all our posts about zodiac, yoga, lifestyle, and staying in the flow of growth.

Thanks for checking out this post, see you next time!

Namaste. Shanti, Peace, Shanti.

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