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Tap into Your Lion Energy: Thrive with Lion's Pose

Updated: Jan 7

Strong Lion Growl

Roarrrrrr! That's the sound of confidence, resiliency, and fierceness! In this post we're going to be focusing on the benefits of lion's pose, and the sign of the zodiac chart this yoga posture is dedicated to.

First things first, let's take a look at the actual lion's pose:

Lion's Pose is best for Leo zodiac sign

Don't be fooled, this pose may be physically simple, but it takes some time to build up the courage to really express a strong lion’s pose. To come into this posture:

  1. Start with straight legs then lift the seat to bend the right knee and place the right foot under the left buttock.

  2. Bend the left knee and place the left foot under the right buttock.

  3. Stretching the torso forward, exhale and extend the tongue out.

  4. While sticking the tongue out pretend you are a lion and send out a huge roar! The eye gaze should come up in between the eyes.

  5. It is contraindicated to do this pose if you have an ankle injury, a painful TMJ disorder, or asthma. Lion’s pose should not be practiced longer than three minutes.

Lion's pose has tremendous benefits including stretching of the tongue and jaw muscles, stretching and strengthening of the neck muscles, and prevents wrinkles in the face. This pose is dedicated to Narasimha, also known as the man-lion incarnation of Vishnu.

According to Hindu scriptures, Narasimha appeared on Earth to protect his devotee Prahlada and to restore cosmic order (dharma). The story of Narasimha is primarily associated with the epic tale of the demon king Hiranyakashipu and his son Prahlada.

Hiranyakashipu was a powerful and arrogant demon who had obtained a boon from Lord Brahma, making him virtually invincible. He believed himself to be the supreme deity and demanded that everyone worship him instead of the gods. However, Prahlada, his son, was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu and refused to worship his father. Infuriated by Prahlada's devotion to Vishnu, Hiranyakashipu attempted to kill his son on multiple occasions. But each time, Lord Vishnu intervened and protected Prahlada. Finally, in an attempt to eliminate Prahlada, Hiranyakashipu challenged him to prove the existence of Vishnu. In response, Narasimha emerged as a half-man, half-lion creature from a pillar in the palace.

Narasimha fought a fierce battle with Hiranyakashipu at twilight, neither indoors nor outdoors, but on his lap. This form was chosen to bypass the boon that protected the demon from death by human, animal, or weapon, and to fulfill the conditions of the boon. Narasimha tore apart Hiranyakashipu with his lion claws, thereby killing him and putting an end to his tyranny.

The sign on the zodiac wheel that his pose is absolutely designed for is the Leo sign. The fire sign Leo is represented by the lion animal. In this strong breath, the Leo exhales and produces such a strong force that it resembles the roar of a lion. Leos are strong leaders, and several people will follow them because of their natural kind heart, and big vision for a better future. A big “roar” will seriously uplift the Leo and put them in the space to lead the pack.

Lion’s breath will also help the Leo communicate difficult emotions that sometimes get stuck in the throat. This pose opens the throat energy center, Vishuddhi chakra, and contributes to a heartfelt speech that will continue to inspire the Leo’s followers.

Leo signs, you are the model of fierce success, and to celebrate your infinite courage and poise, this pose is for you. When you have a moment, roll out the yoga mat and practice lion's pose. Focus on your firey strength and cultivate pride in knowing you bring so much strength to the table. Exhale out any feeling or belief that prevents you from exhalating to your place in the jungle, which is king (or queen).

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