So here's the thing: whether you follow the wheel of the zodiac or not, we all live in the real world and we all need to make money to survive. So, I have to ask, does it seem to you that everybody these days is wanting to know; how can I make more money? How can I make more money fast, and how can I make money online? Everyone yes, but one sign of zodiac wheel that is especially focused on enhancing their bank account, and that astrological sign is the Sagittarius. If you want to find out which yoga postures are best for your zodiac sun sign click here.
Sagittarius people are known for being big thinkers and driven with their goals. They are a fire sign, which means they love the chase, and they love the action of winning money. They are big thinkers and spend a lot of time pondering deep philosophical questions in life. The Sagittarius sign will often study more and dig deeper into learning a subject than any other zodiac sign because they are represented by the archer-- and when they have their sights set on a target, they make sure to understand all the variables so that when they shoot, they don't miss.
Supported headstand pose will help the Sagittarius hone their ability to focus on their money goals because this yoga posture has amazing mental benefits such as improving brain function, stimulating the pituitary gland, and contributing to a restful night’s sleep.
Supported headstand is a true mental exercise that helps the Sagittarius stay sharp in their brain association and thus facilitates their intellectual strength. When you come into this pose your body is inverted and your mind has to work to adjust itself to normalize the upside-down position. This helps with thought associations and the flow of information that send messages down the cerebral cortex into the body. Overall supported headstand pose encourages the mind body connection and will give the Sagittarius an extra boost of cerebral inspiration that will get them going.
This exercise will also help the Sagittarius strategize their money-making plans because it stimulates the crown energy center, the Sahasrara chakra. This energy center is the seat of expanding reality, transcendental experience, divine connection, trust, faith, surrender, and freedom. Opening this crown energy center will assist the Sagittarius on their quest to hit their financial target because it helps them to think outside of the box and to invent new ideas to that will utilize their innovative, independent thinking character traits.
To come into supported headstand:
Start by kneeling on the floor. Place your forearms on the ground parallel to each other, shoulder-width apart.
Interlace your fingers, ensuring that the palms of your hands are facing down. Create a triangle-shaped foundation with your forearms and hands.
Place the crown of your head on the ground, positioning it between your palms. Your head should be cradled gently in your hands.
Lift your hips off the ground, coming into a downward-facing dog position with your legs straight.
Slowly walk your feet closer to your torso, bending one knee at a time. Keep your core engaged and maintain a straight line from your head to your tailbone.
Once your hips are directly above your shoulders, engage your core and lift your legs off the ground. Start by bending one knee and tucking it into your chest, then lift the other leg to meet it.
As you gain more strength and balance, straighten your legs, extending them toward the ceiling. Flex your feet and engage your leg muscles to maintain stability.
Find your balance in the pose, ensuring that your weight is evenly distributed between your forearms, hands, and head. Avoid excessive pressure on the neck.
Breathe deeply and hold the pose for a few breaths or as long as feels comfortable for you.
To come out of the pose, slowly bend your knees and lower one leg at a time back to the starting position. Release your legs and gently lower your hips to the ground.
This is considered an advanced pose and should be assisted by an experienced yoga teacher and/or at a wall.
Supported headstand will assist the fire Sagittarius on transcending old thought processes and move into newer, fresher ways of viewing things. It can help them reinvigorate their creativity and this will spill over into several aspects of their life, especially financially. This pose reminds everyone that when we take care of our inner world, the outer world becomes much more accessible, and the gifts of life just seem to flow.
This concludes our post about the Sagittarius and how the yoga supported headstand pose can help them accentuate their ability to think creatively and support them in accumulating wealth. If you enjoyed this post then please comment, share, and sign up for our newsletter here. We also have an eBook for sale which covers much more in-depth information about this subject, so please check that out here.
Thank you for reading about this subject, and make sure to comeback for more. May all living beings have peace. Shanti, shanti, shanti.