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Honoring the Top-Ranked Warriors of the Zodiac this Memorial Weekend

Updated: Jan 7

Happy Memorial Day everyone; may blessings and prosperity be given to everyone who participates in/participated in the armed forces. As a granddaughter to someone who had such patriotism for America that he lied about his age in order to enlist in the army during WW2 and "slaughter dem damn nazis," (his exact words) I'm very honored to be amongst a society that stands for freedom, opportunity, and the right to choose your life.

In this blog post I'm going to go over which sign on the zodiac wheel exemplifies the valor of warrior character; brave, courageous, and attuned to their hero side. Before we talk about which zodiac sign this day is especially designated for, let's go over the history of this proud holiday.

The history of Memorial Day dates back to the aftermath of the American Civil War. The origin of Memorial Day is often attributed to an event that took place in Charleston, South Carolina. In May 1865, just after the end of the Civil War, a group of freed slaves and some members of the Union Army gathered to properly bury and honor Union soldiers who had died in a Confederate prisoner-of-war camp. They cleaned and landscaped the burial ground, erected a fence, and placed flowers on the graves. This act of remembrance became known as the "First Decoration Day." In the years that followed, various communities and states began holding their own Decoration Day or Memorial Day observances. The term "Memorial Day" gradually gained popularity, and since 1882, it has become the more commonly used name.

Memorial day has become known as the first day of Summer, which is perfect for the fire sign Aries. Aries are the type of people who are perceived as the “first responders,” and are typically the heroes in heavy, dangerous situations. Aries people are full of moxie, courage, and stamina. They are willing to fight to save the good and capable of being as dark as it takes to conquer evil. The Aries people are the spotlights for Memorial Day, and for them we are going to dive deep into the warrior postures.

Warrior one pose is best for Aries zodiac sign
Warrior 1

Warrior two is best for Aries zodiac sign
Warrior 2

Warrior three yoga posture is best for Aries zodiac sign.
Warrior 3

The Aries sign is ran by the planet Mars, which is associated with the God of War. The personality of the sun signed Aries is almost always strong, courageous, stable; all the necessary ques for the warrior postures. These poses open the hips, strengthen the legs, and increase flexibility in the arms. To come into warrior one bend the front knee, extend the back leg back with toes turned out. Square the hips towards the front of the mat and then extend the arms overhead. To move into warrior two, open the hips horizontally and open the arms out so the hands are in line with shoulders. To move into warrior three, take the back hand to meet the front hand either connecting or staying parallel. Square the hips, look down, and lift the back leg balancing on the front foot. It is not recommended to do warrior poses if you are recovering from injury or surgery in the hips, knees, or ankles. Also, pregnant or menstruating women should consider holding this posture for shorter amounts of time as it may cause fatigue in their lower body.

Warrior postures personify the fighter in Aries. These poses were named after ancient Vedic Lore. Lord Shiva was to be married to beautiful adorer, Sati. Sati was incredibly in love with Shiva, but there was one problem: her father. Sati’s Emperor Father, Daksha, did not favor Lord Shiva and did not approve of their marriage. To demonstrate his disapproval, he threw a huge party called a Yagna and invited everyone except Shiva and Sati. Sati was completely offended and taken off guard, so she angerly decided to go to the party anyway to confront her father. Her husband Lord Shiva warned her not to go, but like the independent attitude of an Aries, she went anyway. When Sati arrived to the party she appeared before her father with a saddened desperate heart: why can he not accept her love, her husband Shiva? Daksha felt sorrow for his daughter, but would not relent in his disapproval. Because of this Sati became so overtaken by sadness and fury she ignited an actual fire within herself. She burned so fervently internally she eventually went up into flames. Shiva got news of his wife’s death and became irate! He violently tore a dread lock out from his head, threw it on the ground and with the force of his anger it snaked into the earth, all the way through the high mountains, and ultimately emerged at the Yagna (the party) right at the very spot Sati’s ashes lay. From the ashes rose Virabhadra, the battler, with his arms over head. This scene created warrior 1 pose. After this Virabhadra yielded his sword and swiped off the head of Daksha, which is the how warrior 2 pose was created. Finally, Virabhadra bent down to collect Daksha’s head and place on a stake symbolizing victory. This last move is the meaning behind warrior 3.

Aries people, take this Memorial Day weekend to reflect on the power of your inner warrior. Though I definitely don't condone violence, history and experience has proven that sometimes confrontation is unavoidable. During those times, conjure your inner Aries combatant and optimize your expression on the art of war.

Thank you so much for taking time to read this post! If you found this information interesting, please check out my ebook for sale which covers much more information about the best yoga postures for your zodiac sign. Each sign is assigned 5 physical postures, 2 meditations, and one recommendation on which style of yoga suits your zodiac sign the best.

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See you next time! Much love, peace to all living beings. Shanti, shanti, shanti.

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