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Building Knee Strength: Capricorns Mastering the Bridge Pose for Resilient Knees, Bones, and Joints.

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

yoga bridge pose with block

Welcome back to Yoga Zodiac, the blog dedicated to sharing the ancient wisdom of yoga combined with the guidance of astrology. On this blog we try to highlight character traits of each zodiac sign and assign them to yoga postures so that you can know yourself a little better and bring that better version of yourself to your everyday life.

This post is dedicated to the Capricorn zodiac sign, and how performing a modified bridge pose will help strengthen their astrological associated body parts- the knees, bones, and joints. But first, let's dive into the Capricorn and why they should be incorporating a consistent yoga routine into their life.

Capricorn Goat Symbol

The Capricorn dates are December 21-January 20, and they are represented by the seat goat symbol. Capricorns are a cardinal earth element, which means they are very realistic in their goals, and have a strong will for setting things in motion. All cardinal signs on the zodiac are known for being instigators, ready to lead and forge ahead with their plans. But, unlike the other cardinal signs, the Capricorn has a formidable, grounded presence and a natural authority from being master of the physical plane. Cardinal earth is a force of substantial achievement and is willing to work toward long term goals. For information about the cardinal signs of the zodiac, click here.

The associated body parts that relate to the Capricorn are the knees, bones, and joints. Capricorns are thought to be particularly susceptible to knee-related issues such as stiffness, joint problems, or injuries. Taking care of their knees through proper exercise, stretching, and maintaining a healthy weight is going to have to be focus for them so that they can prevent physical problems down the road. It's also believed that Capricorns are governed by the bones and joint structures of the body. Typically, individuals born under this sign have a sturdy bone structure and tend to be resilient and enduring, however it is important for Capricorns to pay attention to bone health especially as they age. As they get older their ability to produce synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints, becomes slowed down. As a result, they may experience bone density problems which can lead to osteoporosis.

In order to build strength in the muscles and surround the knees and the fibers in the bones, Capricorns are advised to take the yoga posture bridge pose with a block placed in between their thighs. The steps to come into this look like this:

  1. Start by lying on your back on a yoga mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Make sure your feet are hip-width apart, and your arms are resting alongside your body.

  2. Take a yoga block and position it between your thighs, closer to your knees. The block should be oriented vertically, with the longer side facing up. Squeezing the block will engage the inner thigh muscles and help create stability during the pose.

  3. On an inhale, gently press your feet into the mat, engaging your core muscles. This will help stabilize your spine and pelvis. On that same breath begin to lift your hips off the mat by pressing through your feet. Keep your thighs parallel to each other and maintain the squeeze on the block. Gradually lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees.

  4. Roll your shoulders back and tuck your shoulder blades slightly under your back to create a stable foundation. This will also help open up the chest and lengthen the spine.

  5. Once you've lifted your hips into the bridge pose, continue to engage your core and glutes while maintaining the squeeze on the block. While squeezing the block imagine you are rolling the block down towards the ground, creating an internal rotation with the hips. Keep the tailbone slightly tucked and the tip of the tail reaching towards the knees. Keep your neck relaxed and avoid straining. Breathe deeply and hold the pose for several breaths or as long as it feels comfortable.

  6. To come out of the pose, exhale and slowly lower your hips back down to the mat, vertebra by vertebra. Release the squeeze on the block and remove it from between your thighs.

*It is contraindicated to assume this pose if you have heel spurs or chronic neck pain.

By practicing bridge while squeezing a block the Capricorn strengthens two main muscles that stabilize the knee joint: the gracilis muscle, and the vastus medialis muscle. These muscles tend to become weak over time because they get overtaken by the stronger outer leg muscles, like the hip flexors or the IT band. They also tend to become weak from sitting long hours, poor gait, and uneven weight distribution. My Capricorn friends, try this variation of bridge pose and see if you feel a difference in your knees and bone density. By keeping your astrologically chosen body parts strong you can prevent a lot of potential pain that comes from the knees and comes from aging. Strong knees, joints, and bones will assist you on your climb up the ladder of success and will support you as you enjoy all the fruits of your hard work.

Thanks so much for reading this post, please make sure to comment below your experience with this pose or if you are a Capricorn and you feel this! Also, you can sign up for our newsletter here to be sure to stay up to date on all the latest posts about which yoga postures best serve your zodiac sign.

See you back here real soon! Have a blessed day, shanti, shanti, shanti.

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