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Virgo's Guide to Finding Equanimity Through One-Legged Forward Fold Pose

Updated: Sep 18, 2024

Virgo Sign. Metal

Have you heard about the benefits of yoga postures that are asymmetrical? Meaning not balanced on both sides? As in, the effects of the stretch is only felt on one side. If you're a Virgo, has your skin already started to get a little itchy? Well that's normal for you Virgo people, because you guys just love symmetry. Read this post to find out why Virgos should practice One Legged Foward Fold, aka Janu Sirsasana, and learn how sometimes being imbalance can result in perfect balance.

Seated One Legged Forward Fold. Janu Sirsasana
Seated One Legged Forward Fold. Janu Sirsasana

Janu Sirsasana is relatively accessible for beginners, with variations and props such as straps for the extended foot or cushions under the seat to accommodate different levels of flexibility. It helps balance the body by stretching and strengthening various muscle groups, contributing to overall body harmony. Some of the muscles stretched in this pose include the hamstrings, the gastrocnemius, the glutes, and the quadratus lumborum. Muscles that are strengthened in this pose are the back muscles, hip flexors, and neck muscles. This yoga pose is often recommended for individuals with sciatica, menstrual discomfort, or mild back pain as part of a therapeutic yoga practice.

Due to its one-sided nature, you can receive a unique set of benefits from one legged forward fold pose. Some benefits of seated forward fold pose are:

  • You can balance and equalize the sit bones, which can prevent pain in the SI (Sacroiliac) joint.

  • You can lengthen one leg if your pelvis is elevated on one side.

  • It can improve overall balance and help with proprioception.

  • It helps with digestion and improves peristalsis.

  • It can alleviate general discomfort with one side of the body.

Virgos are methodical and very into alignment. This posture is a good test for their tolerance in a "controlled chaos" environment and to teach them patience for the misaligned. One legged forward fold pose is not designed to be perfectly even because each side of the body is unique. Variables such as genetics, life habits, sleep patterns, postural habits all effect each side of the body. Yoga is the practice of understanding the imbalances in the body as we try to find harmony through either correction or acceptance. One legged forward fold will pacify to the Virgo’s analytical side. The Virgo can enjoy studying each side independently but will also learn the art of acceptance so as to understand perfection doesn’t really exist. This asana will help the Virgo make peace with inequality. Virgos, sometimes a mismatch is the answer, and it can breed to much creativity! Our advice is to use this yoga pose to listen to your inner knowledge and to learn the correct answer for you.

One legged forward fold is also assigned to the Virgo also because it stimulates their corresponding body part, the digestive system. Virgos are very connected to their abdomen and will often feel discomfort in their stomach when an unspoken problem is brewing. Sometimes it can be hard to interpret feelings from the digestive system as they could hold a profound life message, or it could be indigestion. Virgos may receive personal answers by keeping their astrological body part healthy with this pose. Janu Sirsasana massages the stomach, gently detoxifies, and facilitates the moving of food and information through the body. Virgo, take Janu Sirsasana and reap the benefits of a better connection to your astrological body part, the digestive system.

To Come into One Legged Forward Fold Pose:

  1. Begin by sitting on the yoga mat with your legs extended straight in front of you (Dandasana). Keep your spine tall and shoulders relaxed.

  2. Bend your right knee and bring the sole of your right foot to the inner thigh of you left leg. Your right knee should point to the side, and your right heel should be close to your left inner thigh.

  3. Adjust your pelvis so that it is squared with the front of the mat. You may need to sit on a folded blanket or cushion to help tilt your pelvis forward if you have tight hamstrings or hip flexors.

  4. Inhale and lengthen your spine, lifting your chest toward the ceiling. Ensure your shoulders are relaxed and your chest is open.

  5. Exhale as you hinge at your hips and gently start to reach forward with your hands, keeping your spine long. As you fold forward, aim to bring your chest closer to your left thigh.

  6. Reach toward your left foot with both hands. You can hold onto your foot, ankle, or shin, depending on your flexibility. Avoid forcing yourself into the pose. Instead, go only as far as your body allows while maintaining a comfortable stretch. Keep your core lightly engaged to protect your lower back.

  7. With each inhale, focus on lengthening your spine and creating space between each vertebra. Try to hold this pose for about a minute or 5 long full slow breaths.

  8. To come out of the pose, inhale, and use your core muscles to lift your torso back up to an upright position.

***Remember to practice Janu Sirsasana mindfully, and only go as far as your body allows without forcing the stretch. Use props if needed to support your forward fold and focus on your breath throughout the yoga posture to help deepen your stretch and maintain relaxation.

Extend your right leg and return to Dandasana (seated with both legs extended) before/if repeating the pose on the other side.

Thats going to be all for today's post about how Virgo can use one legged forward fold pose to find peace, balance, and equanimity. If you liked this post and want to know more about which yoga postures are best for your unique zodiac sun sign, click here to sign up for our newsletter, or here to check out our full e-book that dives into intense detail about this topic. Or here to find your which yoga postures are designed for your unique astrological sign.

Oh, and about that ebook...if you do decided to read it you'll learn five postures for each zodiac sign, two styles of meditations, and suggested style of yoga that each zodiac sign is going to thrive in. People are loving it and saying it has helped enliven their yoga classes and workshops. Find out for yourself!

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The beauty of life is your gift. Stay blessed.

lotus flower, light, shine, bright, heal

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