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Welcome to Yoga Zodiac!

Updated: Jan 5

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Welcome! You've arrived at Yoga Zodiac, the blog. I know what you're thinking, who still reads blogs? Well, this blog is different because it is dedicated to the subjects of yoga and astrology, both ancient and true in bringing deeper awareness about YOUR universally designed self. The combination of yoga and astrology, also called AstroYoga, can elevate you to the best version of yourself. If you're like me, then you are obsessed with growth. This blog is focused on two subjects that have historically evidential proof of helping people with their internal growth and healing. In this blog series you'll find posts that appeal to the present day, some that reference history, and some that have a hopeful preface for the future. You'll also find helpful lifestyle tips like food suggestions, fashion ideas, and other fitness tips. The intention of this blog is to educate you and bring you the best information that can help you on your healing or self-discovery process.

The combination of yoga and astrology can offer a powerful pathway to self-improvement and growth. I have several years of experience in both these fields, and I believe undoubtedly this site will be a valuable resource for you. By exploring the connection between the body, mind, and universe, you can provide practical tools for achieving greater balance, harmony, and well-being in your life.

I commend you for taking the time to explore Yoga Zodiac aka the best yoga postures for your zodiac sign. I have decided to share this wisdom with the world because it has proven extremely beneficial in my life, I believe it can be of benefit in your life too. For greater detail about this topic, please explore my ebook Yoga for Yoga Zodiac Sign.

I hope this page inspires others to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and transformation. May it serve as a beacon of light and hope in these challenging times. Shanti, shanti, shanti. May you find peace and elevation by reading my blog, Yoga Zodiac. l

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